
Paper accepted at ECAI 2024

The paper "Context Matters: Leveraging Spatiotemporal Metadata for Semi-Supervised Learning on Remote Sensing Images"
by Maximilian Bernhard, Niklas Strauß, Tanveer Hannan and Matthias Schubert
has been accepted at the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI 24), 19.10–24.10 2024,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Paper accepted at SDM 2024

The paper "Spatial-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Traveling Officer Problem"
by Niklas Strauß and Matthias Schubert
has been accepted at the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
(SDM 24), 18.04–20.20 2024,
Houston, TX, U.S.

Paper accepted at WACV 2024

The paper "What’s Outside the Intersection? Fine-grained Error Analysis for Semantic Segmentation Beyond IoU"
by Maximilian Bernhard, Yannic Kindermann, Roberto Amoroso, Matthias Schubert, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara and Volker Tresp
has been accepted at the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
(WACV 24), 4.01–08.01 2024,
Waikoloa, Hawaii

Paper accepted at ECAI 2023

The paper "Simplex Decomposition for Portfolio Allocation Constraints in Reinforcement Learning"
by David Winkel, Niklas Strauß, Matthias Schubert, Thomas Seidl
has been accepted at the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(Ecai 2023), 30.09–05.10 2023,
Kraków, Poland

Paper accepted at ICCV 2023

The paper "MapFormer: Boosting Change Detection by Using Pre-change Information" "
by Maximilian Bernhard, Niklas Strauss, Matthias Schubert
has been accepted at the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 23), 2-5 October 2023, Paris, France

Paper accepted at SSTD 2023

The paper "DEAR: Dynamic Electric Ambulance Redeployment"
by Lukas Rottkamp, Niklas Strauß, Matthias Schubert
has been accepted at the 18th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Data
(SSTD 2023), 23–25 August 2023,
Calgary, AB, Canada

PhD Defense -- Christian Frey

On 19th June 2023, Christian Frey successfully defended his PHD-Thesis "Learning from Complex Networks".
Congratulations Chris!!!

Paper accepted at PAKDD 2023

The paper "Constrained Portfolio Management using Action Space Decomposition for Reinforcement Learning"
by David Winkel, Niklas Strauß, Matthias Schubert, Yunpu Ma, Thomas Seidl
has been accepted at the 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2023), 25–28 May 2023, Osaka, Japan

Abby-Net Summer School'23

on Natural Resource Management and Energy Systems Under Changing Environmental Conditions

The 8th Abby-Net summer school will be hosted by the University of Calgary at the Barrier Lake Station. For further informaction click here.

about AI-Beyond

AI-beyond strives to advance modern AI technology to enable automated systems to make rational decisions and optimize their behaviour. Our research is centered around spatial applications like analysing and acquiring sensor data. We optimize mobility tasks with respect to various optimization criteria. As members of the Abby-Net research network, we lay a particular focus on sustainability and actively explore the connection point between modern AI, sustainable mobility, and energy solutions. Thus, we actively support projects monitoring environmental change.

Current Members

Niklas Strauss

PhD student working on reinforcement learning and sequential planning in mobility applications.

Maximilian Bernhard

PhD student working on computer vision and remote sensing.

Zongyue Li

PhD student working on recommendation systems and meta reinforcement learning.

Lukas Rottkamp

PhD student working on spatial analytics and planning methods based on sensor data.

Thomas Ramsauer

PhD student working on multispectral remote sensing data.
(co-supervized with Prof. Ralf Ludwig (geography))

David Winkel

PhD student working onreinforcement learning in financial applications.
(co-supervized with Prof. Thomas Seidl)

Former group members/Supervised PhD thesis

Evgeniy Faerman

former Phd student
Phd thesis: "Representation learning on relational data"

Christian Frey

former Phd student
Phd thesis: "Learning from complex Networks"

Yunpu Ma

postdoctoral researcher within MCML

Sebastian Schmoll

former Phd student
Phd thesis: "Navigation with uncertain Spatio-Temporal Resources"

Gregor Jósse

former Phd student
Phd thesis: "Query processing in complex modern traffic networks"